The Mucky Knees Cook Book — salad

Baby Spinach Recipes

Geposted von Amy Grice am

This super healthy ingredient can be eaten raw or simply dropped into sauces for the last minute of cooking. It grows fast, so if you’re clever with how you sow the seeds it will give you an ongoing supply!

There are a million and one ways to enjoy your crop of organic baby spinach. Here are a few of our favourite recipes...

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Spring Onion Recipes

Geposted von Amy Grice am

Spring onion adds a nice, fresh zing to a huge range of meals. Use it to liven up mashed potatoes, sprinkle over soups for a crunchy punch, add a new layer to your salads… there’s a million and one ways of using this easy to grow and versatile vegetable. 

These easy recipes are just a few ways to use your organic spring onions. Just pull them straight out the ground, give them a rinse and you’re good to go!

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