Grow Your Valentines Bouquet

Posted by Amy Grice on

The valentines gift that will keep on giving!

We'll show you how to turn your packet of seeds into a steady supply of classic English wildflowers. They are the easiest of all flowers to grow and will bloom into a colourful mix of pure cornfield annual flowers including cornflowers, marigolds, poppys, white campions, chamomile and corn cockle. Once they pop up you'll be able to pick enough for several classy bouquets!



You can sow wildflower seed all year round, but the ideal conditions are early Spring or late Summer. If the latter, your flowers will bloom a little earlier the following year.




Find a nice sunny spot in your garden, dig out any weeds, then water the soil. Scatter your seeds evenly. Don’t sprinkle from the pack or you’ll have a big clump of flowers from the heavier seeds! Tip them into your hand and pinch a good mix before sowing. Cover with a tiny layer of soil. No more than half a centimetre! 



If sown in spring, you should see your seedlings within 14-28 days. Keep them well watered at this point, but once they flower they won’t need too much attention. Just water them if the soil looks very dry.




If you follow the instructions above your plant should bloom and stay healthy through its lifecycle, but nature doesn’t always follow the rules! If there is not enough sun or too much rain your plant may struggle to grow.